Mission Statement:
The Mission of 180Physique Athletics is to provide the athlete with a training program designed to do the following:
IDENTIFY weaknesses that may cause improper movement patterns related to their particular sport.
STRENGTHEN the identified weaknesses in order to minimize compensation and potentially eliminate habits that, in the future, could limit performance and/or cause injury.
IMPROVE strength in order for the athlete to withstand the stress that occurs in practice and in competition.
DEVELOP and improve performance.
ADVISE on nutritional factors that could help with attaining better results from training, enhancing recovery and amplifying performance.
MAINTAIN their health.
TEACH them that amplified performance does not simply come from strength and conditioning; amplified performance comes from the athlete having the right mindset to lead and have the focus necessary to succeed.
Learn more about 180Physique Athletics
Vision Statement:
Improve the mindset and athletic skill of the athlete in order to build their confidence, not just in what they can currently do, but to guide them toward their full performance potential.
Amplified Performance Spear Camps
180Physique Athletics Instructed speed, power, explosiveness, agility, and reactivity camps are designed to help your athlete or team lay the foundations of explosive speed and agility. Then build upon those foundations to produce game-breaking performance ability.
Camp dates are scheduled by 180Physique Athletics. Camps can be requested for scheduling by a team or group of five or more athletes. Price includes registration fee.
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180 Athlete Development
Ages 13+
• 1 session/week (great for in season)
• 2 sessions/week
• 3 sessions/week
• 4 sessions/week
• Unlimited up to 22 sessions per month
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Youth Athlete Development
Ages 9 - 12 years
• 1 session/week (great for in season)
• 2 sessions/week
• 3 sessions/week
• 4 sessions/week
• Unlimited up to 22 sessions per month
Call for pricing!